Op/Ed – Plight of Michigan’s Democratic Superdelegates: A Case of Winnability in America’s General Election

Photo Credit - mematic.net Will Michigan's Superdelegates supersede the mandate by State voters,  affirming Senator Bernie Sanders as the victor in Michigan's Open Primary Election March 8.
Photo Credit – mematic.net
Will Michigan’s Superdelegates supersede the mandate by State voters,
affirming Senator Bernie Sanders as the victor in Michigan’s Open Primary Election
March 8.

Michigan’s Mystery Super-Delegates are not longer secret anymore as a blog post on the Michigan Populist Blog has exposed the highly discussed at least in this primary election seldom revealed – Superdelegates!

The Democratic National Committee Superdelegate System Can Run Afoul of The Voters Intent in Primary Elections

The Supedelegates are best described as seventeen individuals who are the Michigan Democratic Party cream of the crop with magically powers to vote during a political party convention “their own way” despite supposedly voting as the populace of Michigan voted – in an election.

In other words, what is totally non-democracy like, and definitely all totalitarian natured.

However, it is ironic the beginning part of “The Democra-tic” part name rhymes with a word called “Democra-cy”.

A Democracy is defined according to Merriam-Webster as an:

1). (A) government by the people; especially :  rule of the majority
2). A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
3).  A political unit that has a democratic government.

Questions Remain on How Exactly Michigan’s Superdelegates Will Ultimately Vote At the Democratic Convention 

On Tuesday, March 8, Michigan voters participating in the states’ open primary voting on a

Photo Credit - Getty Images Democratic Presidential Nominee Candidate U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders won the first Midwest Battleground state of Michigan, on March 8.
Photo Credit – Getty Images
Democratic Presidential Nominee Candidate
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders won the first
Midwest Battleground state of Michigan, on
March 8.

chosen Democratic ballot, confirmed their desire for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to win the Democrat Nomination and a Proportional Delegation of Michigan’s 147 delegates as a result.

However, seventeen Party Leaders and Elected Officials, otherwise called PLEO’s amazingly can “go their own way” with their so-called pledged delegate vote.

Why so?  Frankly, because for some unknown reason only in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) “rules”, each of these Party Leaders and Elected Officials are special. Very Special.

Special beyond the point of voting the way of what voters in Michigan decided with Bernie Sanders, to Supersede the People’s will to pledge themselves to Hillary Clinton. And that is not very Democratic or Democracy like, at all.

The seventeen PLEO’s are made up in an interesting potpourri mix of names voters might know, or not at all since some are private citizens along with being granted the status of Democratic Party Leader. Others are Congressional Representatives.

The Super-Delegate’s names are as followed: Jill Arper, Dennis Archer, John Conyers, Steven Cook, Brandon Dillon, Debbie Dingell, Mary Fleming, Barry Goodman, Norwood Jewell, Dan Kildee, Brenda Lawrence, Sandy Levin, Daryl Newman, Gary Peters, Nancy Quarles, Virgie Rollins, and Debbie Stabenow. Super-Delegates highlighted in blue are Elected Congressional officials.

At least four of the Elected Officials: Dan Kildee, Gary Peters, Debbie Stabenow and Sandy Levin had in advance of Michigan residents leaning or affirming support for a Democratic nominee on March 8, pledged their loyalty to Hillary Clinton. This baffling occurrence, remains in despite of Clinton losing the Statewide primary vote to Bernie Sanders. 

Why The Democratic Superdelegate System Should Go The Way of the Whig Party – Or No More

A recent CNN’s interview with reporter Jake Tapper, and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on February 12 – transcribed by the Washington Post – describes what best can be perceived as a laser line of issues with the DNC’s Superdelegate allocation system:

TAPPER: Hillary Clinton lost to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 22 percentage points, the biggest victory in a contested Democratic primary there since John F. Kennedy, but it looks as though Clinton and Sanders are leaving the Granite State with the same number of delegates in their pockets because Clinton has the support of New Hampshire’s superdelegates, these party insiders. 

What do you tell voters who are new to the process who say this makes them feel like it’s all rigged? 

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Well, let me just make sure that I can clarify exactly what was available during the primaries in Iowa and in New Hampshire. The unpledged delegates are a separate category. 

The only thing available on the ballot in a primary and a caucus is the pledged delegates, those that are tied to the candidate that they are pledged to support. And they receive a proportional number of delegates going into the — going into our convention. 

Unpledged delegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grass-roots activists. 

We are, as a Democratic Party, really highlight and emphasize inclusiveness and diversity at our convention, and so we want to give every opportunity to grassroots activists and diverse committed Democrats to be able to participate, attend and be a delegate at the convention. 

And so we separate out those unpledged delegates to make sure that there isn’t competition between them. 

TAPPER: I’m not sure that that would — that answer would satisfy an anxious young voter, but let’s move on.

Mic-check Moment for DNC Chairwoman Wasserman-Schultz: There would be no “competition” between Democratic

Photo Credit - Salon.com - Democratic National Committee Chairperson - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Photo Credit – Salon.com –
Democratic National Committee Chairperson –
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Party voters in State Primaries and Caucuses if the Superdelegates were required to pledge their vote at the Convention the way “The People” voted during a primary election.

This is a simple conclusion Ms. Wasserman-Schultz, you think – since the Democratic Party claims on surface, to represent the will of its people and voters.

Or does it? And that remains the open question.

Does the Democratic Party founded on the principle of “A government by the people – rule of the majority”, really represent the majority vote or just whatever they choose when they see fit in a very undemocratic fashion.

Amazingly, the Republican Party does not have an Superdelegate system of PLEO’s at play that can at their will, supersede what voters selected at the polls in States, in the Republican Party or Republican National Committee system, according to The Green Papers

The rules are quite different and ironically – more Democratic.

(In The Republican Party) delegates are bound to their pledge all they way through to the convention…. The 2016 rules indicate that a delegate can be removed for merely demonstrating support for a candidate other than one to which he or she is bound. 

“Prior to 1 April 2016, any presidential primary, caucus, convention, or other process to select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention may … allocat[e] delegates on a proportional basis.” [Rule 16(c)(2)]. 

“Any statewide presidential preference vote that permits a choice among candidates for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in a primary, caucuses, or a state convention must be used to allocate and bind the state’s delegation to the national convention in either a proportional or winner-take-all manner, except for delegates … who appear on a ballot in a statewide election and are elected directly by primary voters.” [Rule 16(a)(1)]. 

If any … state Republican Party violates Rule No. 16(c)(2″), the number of delegates and … to the national convention from that state shall each be reduced by fifty percent (50%). Any sum presenting a fraction shall be decreased to the next whole number. No delegation shall be reduced to less than two (2) delegates ….” [Rule 17(a)].

The simple explanation is Super-Delegates do not exist in the Republican Party.

Delegates are bound to vote at the convention the way either by states with proportional delegate allocation in a Primary or Caucuses voted. Or in a “Winner Take All or Most” state allocation of delegates by the exact way the voters, voted.

Going rouge or voting at the convention whatever way they choose on any given Sunday, is not allowed.

According to The Green Papers, the RNC instilled the parties’ allocation of delegates rule changes, on April 1, 2016.

In 2012, there were many claims that Paul delegates ran for and won delegate slots that were bound to Romney in a primary. The concern was that these delegates would vote for Paul at the National Convention. The (April 1, 2016 rules update) indicate that a delegate can be removed for merely demonstrating support for a candidate other than one to which he or she is bound.

The Danger Lying Underneath the Democratic National Committee Un-Democratic Superdelegate System

Democratic Voter Turnout in the General Election, is a danger lying underneath if the DNC’s highly questionable Superdelegate displace Democrat leaning voters will.

In the Michigan Primary, Millennials voters of all ethnic groups, overwhelmingly supported Senator Bernie Sanders – and affirmed their votes for him, not her – Hillary Clinton.

“Sanders has captivated younger voters in part by promising (debt-free) college and help with student debt, which now totals a record $1.3 trillion. In states such as New Hampshire and Michigan he won about 80% of the voters between the ages of 18 to 29,” according to the Washington Post.

“He’s (Sanders) for people like us, people like me,” Mussad, 22, explained Tuesday as voters ambled toward Salina School, which sits close to the Ford Rouge plant near Detroit, according to the Detroit Free Press. “I got thousands of dollars of college debt, and he talks about making college affordable, giving me a fair shot. That resonates a lot with me, with young voters.”

Left-leaning Independents also choose Senator Sanders by large proportions over Hillary Clinton in Tuesday, March 8, Michigan Open Primary, according to The Atlantic.

“Sanders also benefited from his appeal to independents, who are permitted to vote in Michigan’s Democratic primary. Some reporters speculated that Clinton was also hurt by voters who crossed over to vote Republican, thinking she had the race locked up,” The Atlantic cited

Hillary Clinton cannot win a General Election without Millennials and Left-Leaning Independents changing their choice dramatically, in November.

The Truth About Hillary Clinton and Turnout In General Election 2016 Predictive Factors- Made Simple – Versus Michigan’s Superdelegates

At present and likely to continue throughout Election 2016, Clinton’s Neo-Democratic

Photo Credit- Telegraph.Uk Democratic Presidential Candidate - Hillary Clinton
Photo Credit- Telegraph.Uk
Democratic Presidential Candidate – Hillary Clinton

messages and policies including supporting Free Trade, a suppressed minimum wage at $12.00 or less an hour, regulated fracking and only a plan to reduce interest rates on America’s massive student loan indebtedness crisis; over pledging to dramatically reduce the costs of higher education — will not win Clinton any additional votes beyond her core Democratic base of supporters.

And these voters are participating in State Primaries at a vastly reduced turnout rate than in 2008.

“Through the first 12 primaries of 2016, combined Republican turnout has been 17.3% of eligible voters – the highest of any year since at least 1980. Democratic turnout so far is 11.7% – the highest since 1992, with the notable exception of the extraordinarily high turnout in 2008” Pew Research March 8 report cited.

The key is from 1992-2000 Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill Clinton was President of the United States.

In 2000, the Democratic Party lost the National Election as Al Gore despite winning the popular vote, lost the Electoral College Allocation by 544 votes in Florida, and the all important state of Ohio – resulting in eight years of a George W. Bush Presidential term.

In 2008, the candidacy of Barack Obama fueled traditional Democrats, Millennials, African-American and left-leaning Independents to turn out in historical numbers to vote for America’s first African-American President of the United States.

However, Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama, and her claim in Wednesday, March 9, Univision Presidential Debate proves she does not carry the same appeal in 2016 as Obama did overwhelming fashion, in 2008.

CLINTON: …”I am not a natural politician, in case you haven’t noticed, like my husband or President Obama. So I have a view that I just have to do the best I can, get the results I can, make a difference in people’s lives, and hope that people see that I’m fighting for them and that I can improve conditions economically and other ways that will benefit them and their families,” Clinton said in the Univision debate transcript according to the Washington Post

For a person that claims she is not a “Natural Politician”  Hillary Clinton’s History, proves otherwise as described by the below video by Telegraph.UK.
Whatever Hillary Clinton claim is the to do “best I can, (to) get the results, I can” does not appear to be good enough to inspire Millennials, some African-Americans and Left-Leaning Independents to vote for her.

Especially, in a General Election.

Unlike, the momentum of what Senator Bernie Sanders has energized as proven by his Caucus wins in New Hampshire, Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Vermont, Kansas, Nebraska, Maine and Michigan – plus what is basically considered a tie in Iowa, according to CBS News.

“In terms of percentages, the former secretary of state won 49.9 percent of delegates and the Vermont senator won 49.6 percent. There are 1,681 precincts,” CBS News reported February 4.

Which circles back to where Michigan’s Superdelegates will or ultimately “self-pledge” themselves too, as it relates to at the DNC Convention.

Will Michigan’s 17 Superdelegates see the danger lying very visibly underneath Hillary Clinton chances of winning a General Election, or just go with their self-described “flow“.

The future at DNC’s National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 25-28, 2016, along with voters in upcoming Primary states across the Midwest, West and remaining Eastern Region states supporting Bernie Sanders candidacy, only knows.   

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